Thursday, August 26, 2010

Maths Extension/Mathex/Entreprenuers/Otago Maths

Over the past 2 terms 2 year 7 students from our class, have been participating in maths extension, mathex, otago maths and entrepreneurs. These are all about maths and learning new skills at a higher level of ability. Recently we had the mathex competition held at the Indian Hall, our teams did quite well with one coming 3rd equal and another 5th equal. Otago maths is a test every second Thursday, their are 5 questions in each test and we are given thirty minutes to complete the test. Entrepreneurs is learning financial skills to do with maths. We do this on a website called The Duffy Club and complete a tutorial every week that the Duffy twins make for different schools around the country. Maths Extension is problem solving and again learning new skills with maths. This is a great way to learn all about maths.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Touch Typing Test

Over the past few weeks, I have been practising touch typing. It is a very hard skill to developeeasily, and is just typing with a cover on top of the keyboard. Today I completed a test for touch typing and received a score of of 35 words per minute. I have improved from my last result, by 15 words per minute, although I think typing with out a cover is much easier.