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Sunday, December 12, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
School Athletics Day
This term each class have been training up for the school athletics day. Each student got the choice of going to the competitive athletics at Growers Stadium or tabloid sports back at school. At Growers Stadium each student had to choose which events they would like to take place in. The choices were, 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, High Jump, Long Jump, Shotput and Discuss. On the day sunny day of Tuesday 16th of November the 300 students that went over to Growers Stadium were placed in any of the categories junior, intermediate and senior. Kaitlin Petherick, Havannah Pearson and Tauhi Lopeti also broke previous school records. Good luck to all the zone competitors and we hope to get some good results.
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

This term the school students are set a challenge to complete a seminar based on what the enjoy or like, or a career they have an interest in. I have chosen to complete mine on a Flight Attendant. To research and gather information for this I have visited the Auckland Airport and met with a flight attendant to interview and show me around an airport and a plane about what it is like to be a flight attendant and what the job involves.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Current Affairs Quiz
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Term 4
This term is sure to be a busy but good term! Many assessments will be taken including PAT Reading Vocabulary, Maths Knowledge, Basic Facts, Schonelle Spelling and Essential Spelling. As we are heading into summer, after labour weekend the students will start to wear hats or sit under the shade, as it will be getting hot we will need to bring drink bottles to keep hydrated. Being a new term my new goals for this term will be to become a class councillor and get good results for my tests and seminar. Another big sporting event will be held this term being school athletics where every student has the option of going in the competitve category which will be held at turners and growers and the fun day will be held at school and bledislode park where the students will be playing tabloide sports.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Maths Extension/Mathex/Entreprenuers/Otago Maths

Over the past 2 terms 2 year 7 students from our class, have been participating in maths extension, mathex, otago maths and entrepreneurs. These are all about maths and learning new skills at a higher level of ability. Recently we had the mathex competition held at the Indian Hall, our teams did quite well with one coming 3rd equal and another 5th equal. Otago maths is a test every second Thursday, their are 5 questions in each test and we are given thirty minutes to complete the test. Entrepreneurs is learning financial skills to do with maths. We do this on a website called The Duffy Club and complete a tutorial every week that the Duffy twins make for different schools around the country. Maths Extension is problem solving and again learning new skills with maths. This is a great way to learn all about maths.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Touch Typing Test

Over the past few weeks, I have been practising touch typing. It is a very hard skill to developeeasily, and is just typing with a cover on top of the keyboard. Today I completed a test for touch typing and received a score of of 35 words per minute. I have improved from my last result, by 15 words per minute, although I think typing with out a cover is much easier.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Japan Fundraiser Netball Tournament

Last Monday, girls and and boys from different clubs and schools, attended a Japan Fundraiser Netball Tournament held at the Pukekohe Netball Centre. Different teams were entered in different grades, and there were prizes for 1st and 2nd placers. I was entered in the tournament for my Bombay Netball Club. In our grade we came 1st and each got ANZ bag. A big thanks to Mrs Pearson and Mr Sweeney for organizing this event, it was awesome night and I enjoyed it.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Current Events Quiz

Today, our class completed a current events quiz, on a website, NIE Online. The URL being, http://www.nieonline.co.nz/. The quiz had a variety of different questions, from all around the world. My results were 10/10 or 100%. We are now going to complete these tests every Friday to keep up to date with what is happening around the world. It has also teaches us to watch the news or read the newspaper to know what is going on outside our life.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
My Google Map

Click on this link to view my Google map.
In ICT we have recently been planning and making Google maps of a trip that we planned around the country. I have been creating my own map over the past few weeks, it is now complete. To view it click on the link that say "Click on the link to view my Google map" above. There is also just a picture of my map to view.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Cadbury Chocolate Sales

This term we have been selling Cadbury chocolates to fundraise for the school. Year 8's are raising money for school equipment and their social trip at the end of the year. You had to sell one box to have your social trip paid off. The year 7's were fundraising for their camp in 2011.
Room 23 are currently placed second for the year 8 group. This is an awesome feat considering we have only 15 year 8 students in our classroom.
Miss Moris

In room 23 we have been privileged to have Miss Morris teach in our classroom. Miss Morris is a student teacher in her third year of training. She has come from A.U.T on the North Shore. She will be teaching in our class for the next four weeks. So far she has been in our class for two weeks and it has been great, she has great knowledge of literacy and we have enjoyed her practical lessons. We all wish her well with her own classroom. She has bright future ahead of her.
Music Technology

This term for technology from our class Me, Madeleine, Remi and Sullivan are in music. We have been taught how to play all sorts of different instruments, melodies and chords. We make up music to different songs and also complete some listening activities. Next term my tech group will be moving onto Sewing for tech.
Coca Cola Netball Tournament
This term Pukekohe Intermediate decided that they would put in a few teams for the coca cola netball tournament. It was held at Bruce Pulman Park Netball Centre in Papakura on Wednesday 19 May. We took about 15 teams along to the tournament. The team that I played with was called the All or Nothing. Our team came 2 in our section but missed out by 1 point to play on in the semi finals. We all had a blast and some teams even came out with some prizes. I would love to do it again next year and have as much fun as I did.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Science Fair
Today I have started my science fair project, I have decided I am going to do a science investigation on, Free Range and Factory Farmed Eggs, the investigation being, which egg shell is harder and stronger?, which egg has a darker orange? and which egg tastes better? I am now working on it to complete it. I am looking forward to completing my science fair project, and cant wait to find out the results.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Maggi Intermediate School Kitchen Showdown

This term Mrs Woods, has made a group of four students, Abi Chapman, Havannah Pearson, Michael Kerr and Sophie Pine to compete in the Maggi Intermediate Schools Kitchen Showdown. Last Friday the maggi team came to our school to film our awesome foursome cook a meal for 2 adults and 2 children. In a couple of weeks the filming will be online. You can then go online and vote for your favourite school, from there the top team with the most votes, travels down to Christchurch where they will verse three other schools on The Erin Simpson Show. Good luck to our team and i hope they win.
Recent Typing Test
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Writing - Exposition
This term we have been working on our speeches leading up to the Pukekohe Intermediate Speech Competition 2010. Our class first has our own compeytition and the teacher will chose the two top year 7s and the two top year 8s. From there thy will continue on and go into the school competition and the top two from there go through to the Franklin competition.
Heres my speech ....
Just think about it would you ever put a baby to sleep on its stomach?
Cot death, also known as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), meaning it is the sudden, unexpected and unexplainable death of a baby. Cot death is the leading killer of children in their first year of life.
James Newman born 22 September 2009 died 31 March 2010. I have discovered how much of an impact cot death can make in peoples everyday lives, as my six month old cousin recently passed away of cot death.
There is no explaination for cot death, but there are many precautional measures to reduce the risk of cot death. Some being put your baby to sleep on its back to sleep face up in its own bed, do not smoke near the baby don’t smoke during pregnancy and do not let others smoke around your baby, don’t let your baby get too hot and dress your baby in as much or as little as you would wear. Put your baby to sleep on a firm mattress, don’t let the baby sleep on soft things, like cushions, pillows, blankets, couches sheepskins or waterbeds.
Take good care of your self and also never bed share. Especially when one of the parents smoke, have been drinking alcohol or are tired. The safest place for your baby to sleep is in its own cot beside the parents bed.
It causes the death of as much as 45 New Zealand children every year under the age of two, but is still a major improvement since 1990 when two hundred and fifty babies died of cot death each year.
Research has shown that the risk of cot death has been at least halved in many countries by changing some child care practices, for example it is now known that tummy sleeping is a risk factor but back when my mum and dad were children most people would put their child to sleep on their tummy because it was not known to be a risk.
The babies that are at risk are multiple birth infants, low birth weight and mother having the a baby at an early age.
Of those who die about 60 percent are boys and 40 percent are girls. It can happen any time and anywhere and they occur quickly and unexpectedly to apparently healthy babies, during times of sleep.
Many parents would take any precaution to guarantee against their baby dying of cot death. If the babies are at quite a high risk of cot death than usually the parents either hire, buy or be given a baby monitor. A baby monitor reacts if the child is not breathing or moving in their cot or bed.
The death of an infant through cot death never has sound to it. The baby will never cry or make a noise, cot death is a silent death and does not cause any pain to the baby. Many more children die of SIDS in a year than all who die of cancer, heart disease, pneumonia and child abuse combined . . .
This shows that cot death is quite common. But go ahead smoke around your baby, bed share and put them to sleep on its stomach and lets see what the outcome is.
Unfortunately, parents remain uncertain what they should do to keep their babies safe. It can not be predicted or prevented, and can, and does, claim any baby, in spite of parents doing everything right.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Year 7 Girls Zone Cricket

Yesterday 11 year 7 girls competed in the Zone Girls Cricket Competition which was held at Pukekohe Intermediate School fields. The games were played with 10 overs, no boundaries and no leg before wickets. We played 2 games with the first game at 9.40am versing Green Meadows and we won by a lead of 11 runs. The second game was versing Mansell from Papakura we also won that game after 6 overs. I had fun yesterday and i hope i get in the team again next year.
Student Learning Plan
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Book Bag

As part of homework for a book review the students from room 23 had to make a book bag from scratch. Firstly we made the actual bags at school. We then bought them home to complete. We made a book review to put on the bag which was encluding our favourite character, our least favourite character, the rating for the book, why you chose the book and who you would recommend the book to. I did m book bag on Best Friends its a book written by Jacqueline Wilson and is a catchy book to read.
This is my plot summary...
Born on the same day, Alice and Gemma have been best friends since birth. They both complement each other as they are exact opposites. Gemma is very loud, sporty and messy whilst Alice is gentle, very neat and likes playing with dolls. Gemma is the risk taker whilst Alice is reserved and wants to please people. If you've got a best friend you will be able to imagine how Alice and Gemma feel when Alice's parents decide to move along way away, to Scotland. The news devastates them both, having been used to having each other close to hand, suddenly they have to face the prospects of being miles away from each other. First there iis the sadness. Next there is blame. Gemma blames Alice's Mum for splitting them up. This is followed by Alice's own fear she tells Gemma that she wants to run away. The heart of the story is that their circumstances are out of the girls control. No matter what they do, the adults have made their decision and the children have no choice but to eventually cope with a situation they don't like. When the pair are split up, they have to find a way to keep in touch. Whatever Gemma does she cant do the right thing. Even when she tries hard she always seems to attract trouble. It is a book about growing up and the ultimate question is will the relationship between the two girls change or can best friend still be best friends from far away?
I enjoyed completing my book bag am happy with my end result.
ME Project

During this term we have been working on a "Me Project" at home. The projects were to show our personality and back round. We each had to chose a shape that represents ourself and what we like. I chose a jandal because i love the beach and the outdoors. I think they all look awesome on the wall and i enjoyed making them.
Touch Typing

Over the past few weeks our class has been practicing touch typing on a site called Dance Mat Typing. It teaches you how to touch type and about the home row keys. Today we took the test with covering the keyboard on a site Sense Lang. I got a result of 20 words per minute, with 69 characters typed, 23 mistakes and a success percentage of 67%. I believe i am a much better typer when i am able to see the keyboard.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hara Muru

The Hara Muru exchange students arrived in New Zealand this Saturday to stay with their hosts. On Monday they came to Pukekohe Intermediate and were in their hosts classes. The sky tower was the destination that they went to on Tuesday. Thursday 25 March was the last day at Pukekohe Intermediate as Friday they went to Sunshine Ranch. I hope they enjoyed staying in New Zealand and i hope they had fun.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Typing Test

I was new to the digital classroom and i had no idea what to expect. I was excited when Mrs Pearson said we had a typing test today and i was and i was hoping to get in the 30's. It was on a website called sense lang and you take a test to see how many words per minute you get. Thankfully i got 39 wpm with 6 mistakes, and a success percentage of 95%. I was happy with my score, But i still want to improve and get into the 40's. I know i can achieve my goal if i cover the keyboard and practise regulary.
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