Sunday, March 28, 2010

Book Bag

As part of homework for a book review the students from room 23 had to make a book bag from scratch. Firstly we made the actual bags at school. We then bought them home to complete. We made a book review to put on the bag which was encluding our favourite character, our least favourite character, the rating for the book, why you chose the book and who you would recommend the book to. I did m book bag on Best Friends its a book written by Jacqueline Wilson and is a catchy book to read.
This is my plot summary...

Born on the same day, Alice and Gemma have been best friends since birth. They both complement each other as they are exact opposites. Gemma is very loud, sporty and messy whilst Alice is gentle, very neat and likes playing with dolls. Gemma is the risk taker whilst Alice is reserved and wants to please people. If you've got a best friend you will be able to imagine how Alice and Gemma feel when Alice's parents decide to move along way away, to Scotland. The news devastates them both, having been used to having each other close to hand, suddenly they have to face the prospects of being miles away from each other. First there iis the sadness. Next there is blame. Gemma blames Alice's Mum for splitting them up. This is followed by Alice's own fear she tells Gemma that she wants to run away. The heart of the story is that their circumstances are out of the girls control. No matter what they do, the adults have made their decision and the children have no choice but to eventually cope with a situation they don't like. When the pair are split up, they have to find a way to keep in touch. Whatever Gemma does she cant do the right thing. Even when she tries hard she always seems to attract trouble. It is a book about growing up and the ultimate question is will the relationship between the two girls change or can best friend still be best friends from far away?

I enjoyed completing my book bag am happy with my end result.

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